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Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Updated: Jul 12

shock wave therapy for ed

If you or your partner has struggled with erectile dysfunction, often called “ED,” you have likely tried many different treatments.

Have they worked? If they did, did it last?

From pills to vacuum constriction devices to implants, there are numerous options, but they all have a significant flaw: they don’t address the cause of the problem, only the symptoms. Pills don’t allow for spontaneous sexual activity, and many treatments have major side-effects.

We’d like to present an innovative new option: shock wave therapy from GAINSWave™.

What is Shock Wave Therapy?

The procedure itself is actually quite simple. At a healthcare facility, a clinician applies a handheld device that sends mild sound waves through the penis, stimulating the growth of new blood vessels. The treatment does not require anesthesia or a numbing agent of any kind, making it more affordable, more convenient, and quicker to complete.

“Shock wave” might sound intense, but during the treatment, you’ll only experience a slight tingling in the penile region; the overall the process is completely painless!

After the treatment is complete, you can get back to your daily life, with no downtime and no need for extra rest. You could easily complete a session in the morning and play a round of golf in the afternoon!

In most cases, the full treatment process will involve six therapy sessions over three weeks. However, it can take up to 12 treatments, spread out over as much as a year.

This is a drug-free treatment that does not require surgery, has no down-time and has no major adverse side effects. Delivering lasting results with higher-quality erections, greater sensitivity, and increased spontaneity, shock wave therapy can increase your confidence in the bedroom and in your life.

Who Might Benefit from Shock Wave Therapy?

So who would be a good candidate for this innovative, drug-free treatment? Studies have shown positive results for the use of shock wave therapy in many men, including men with mild to severe erectile dysfunction.

In most cases, men who have struggled with ED and have not seen success from other treatments will want to consider shock wave therapy. If Viagra®, Cialis®, and other pills have failed, shock wave therapy may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

The treatment can be especially effective for diabetic men with “arterogenic impotence,” which is the formation of fatty acids in arteries. These fatty acids can disrupt blood flow to the penis, but shock wave therapy can help alleviate the condition.

Shock wave therapy can actually cause the body to develop new blood vessels, so patients with a lack of penile arteries can see improvements from the drug-free treatment.

However, it appears that men with penile implants or men with anti-coagulant therapy are typically not good candidates for the procedure. No matter what your medical history, it’s essential that you discuss the treatment with your doctor before proceeding.

Shock wave therapy has been well-received by many different patients. Men have reported that shock wave therapy provides immediate improvement to sensitivity, with maximum results within 8 to 12 weeks. Although moderate to severe ED can require additional therapies, such as supplements, shock wave therapy can be extremely effective for men of all types.

We’ll reach out to you with information so you can start reclaiming your sex life and your passion in the bedroom!

There is a better way

A healthy lifestyle is the first step toward renewed sexual health. What’s good for the ticker is good for the nether regions – this means plenty of exercise, good sleep, and a sensible diet packed with leafy greens and multicolored vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy oils.

In addition, GAINSWave® offers a unique solution that can achieve impressive results. It is a simple in-office procedure that uses low-intensity acoustic sound waves to break up plaque and stimulate the release of growth factors, which can lead to the development of new blood vessels in the penis.

It awakens dormant stem cells and encourages blood flow, an essential component for normal erectile function. GAINSWave is a non-invasive, effective alternative for men who seek to address ED or simply improve their overall sexual performance.Published on  •  Click here for the original article


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