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Reclaim Your Hair Today!

Get Fuller Hair with PRP for Hair Restoration

Experience superior PRP therapy with Magellan® technology at Prestige Regenerative Medicine.  Schedule your free consultation now.

What is PRP for Hair Restoration?

Candidates for PRP hair restoration typically include individuals who:

  • Experience Thinning Hair: Those with thinning hair or early hair loss.

  • Pattern Baldness: Individuals with androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness).

  • Healthy Overall: Those in good overall health without significant blood disorders.

  • Unresponsive to Other Treatments: Individuals who have not seen success with other hair loss treatments.

  • Hair Loss Prevention: Those looking to prevent further hair loss.

  • Sufficient Hair Follicles: Those with functioning hair follicles.


  • Stimulates Hair Growth: Encourages new hair growth and strengthens existing hair.

  • Improves Hair Density: Increases hair thickness and density.

  • Minimally Invasive: Involves injections, not surgery, with minimal downtime.

  • Natural Treatment: Uses the patient’s own blood, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or infections.

  • Safe and Effective: Proven to be a safe and effective method for treating hair loss.

  • Reduces Hair Shedding: Decreases the rate of hair shedding.

  • Enhances Scalp Health: Improves overall scalp health, creating a better environment for hair growth.

  • No Major Side Effects: Minimal risk of side effects compared to other treatments.

  • Encourages new hair growth and strengthens existing hair.

My treatment Specialist was just that..Very trained and in tune in with her job...Thanks and looking forward to future appointments

Richard B.

The Power of Platelets for Hair Restoration

Platelets in your blood stream are the body’s first step in the healing and regeneration process that follows injury.  


Platelet Rich Plasma is a regenerative product made from your own blood.  It is a highly concentrated dose of your own platelets created by centrifuging your own blood according to specific protocols.  These platelets are then injected into the scalp, stimulating hair follicles.  

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Options for Hair Restoration:

Hair loss can be an embarrassing issue.  Male and female pattern hair loss is a genetic problem and has also recently spiked in frequency as a common side effect in individuals who have contracted COVID-19.  The population has increasingly searched for solutions, and many have found success with PRP therapy.  Options, like prescription drugs, are often partially effective and carry the potential for unwanted side effects. 


Surgical hair restoration can be expensive and does not treat the underlying medical problems.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has been clinically studied for treatment of patterned hair loss as well as conditions such as androgenetic alopecia.  

PRP is an affordable option for hair restoration without surgery or harmful side effects.  

PRP involves a simple injection of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp.  Benefits include:

  • Increases blood supply to the follicle

  • Increases shaft size (thickness)

  • Triggers and maintains the growth phase

  • Controls hair growth cycle

  • Decreases hair loss

Things to Know About PRP Treatments

Platelet Counts and PRP Effectiveness

Because PRP depends on the healing power of your platelets, those with lower platelet counts will not have as pronounced an effect. This generally isn’t an issue unless you have extremely low platelet counts (a condition known as Thrombocytopenia).

Personalized and Safe PRP Therapy

Because PRP is made from your own blood, we cannot (and will not!) give your PRP to someone else (or someone else’s to you). Thus, there is no risk of acquiring an infectious disease from PRP therapy.

Avoid NSAIDs for Optimal Healing

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen, aspirin, Naprosyn, indomethacin, meloxicam, piroxicam, etc., can interfere with the healing process initiated by PRP. These drugs should be avoided for 1 week before and 2-3 weeks after your PRP therapy.

Image by Karl Fredrickson

Take the first step to fuller hair

Schedule your free consultation with Prestige Regenerative Medicine.

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