The O-Shot®

Am I a Candidate for the O-Shot®?

If you are suffering from any of the following, the O-Shot® can help.

How Does the O-Shot® Work?

The O-Shot® with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment is a safe, non-surgical procedure that involves harvesting and injecting one’s own plasma enriched growth factors (or PRP) into specific areas of the body to stimulate healing and tissue growth.

The Orgasm Shot® (O-Shot®) procedure is a specific method of using blood derived growth factors to rejuvenate the vagina and female genitalia to help relieve women of urinary incontinence and sexual function problems. It was developed by Dr. Charles Runels and must be administered in a very precise way to have the best results.

The O-Shot® has been used in clinical trials for the treatment of dyspareunia (persistent pain before, during, or after sex), urinary incontinence, and a variety of symptoms affecting women’s intimate health including overactive bladder, lack of lubrication, sexual dysfunction, lack of libido or arousal.

What to Expect?

The O-Shot® procedure begins with a localized numbing agent. Your medical provider will draw a small volume of blood from your arm and place it in a medical centrifuge device. The centrifuge spins down the blood to separate the platelets and growth factors from the rest of the blood components. When the process is complete, the resulting highly concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP) is carefully injected back into the body at targeted areas. Once injected, these blood-derived growth factors ignite the body’s unique tissue renewal process. There is no recovery time and the results are almost immediate in some patients. Full results appear in 2-3 months.  

All PRM providers are trained and certified in the administration of the O-Shot®, and we have had fantastic results for our patients. 

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