Hormone Testing


Comprehensive Hormone Assessment

Get a detailed picture of your hormonal health with our complete hormone panel.

What's Included

  • CLIA-Certified Laboratory Testing

    We partner with Quest Diagnostics to offer specialized, reliable testing that meets the highest standards

  • Private Consultation with our Hormone Specialists

    No need to try to interpret your own lab results by navigating pages of medical data. Review your symptoms, health history and lab results in a private consultation with our doctors, and get all of your questions answered.

  • Easy Access to Medical Expertise

    We provide answers to your questions as they arise. Log in to our exclusive patient portal for ongoing communication with our staff.

What's Measured

Female Hormone Testing

Testosterone is produced by the adrenal cortex, the testes in men, and the ovaries in women. When it is bound to protein in the blood it is called Total Testosterone. Testosterone that is not bound to proteins is called Free Testosterone and is the biologically active form of the hormone.

Estradiol is the main estrogen in women and is produced by the ovaries. It is one of the main sex hormones responsible for ovulation—and is measured by this hormone test for women. After menopause, estrogen levels decline significantly. Estradiol is also responsible for the health and normal function of other sexual organs, such as the breast, vagina, and uterus.

Progesterone helps to maintain the endometrium, or lining of the uterus, and helps maintain a pregnancy. When a woman enters menopause and stops ovulating, progesterone production significantly drops.

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Male Hormone Testing

Testosterone is produced by the adrenal cortex, the testes in men, and the ovaries in women. When it is bound to protein in the blood it is called Total Testosterone. Testosterone that is not bound to proteins is called Free Testosterone and is the biologically active form of the hormone.

Estradiol is the main type of estrogen and, while it is the primary female hormone, it is also found in men. The estrogen present in males is formed from DHEA. It can also be formed from the conversion of testosterone by an enzyme most commonly found in belly fat. As men age, their estradiol levels naturally increase. Estrogen does appear to play a role in male fertility by helping with fluid balance in the testicles.


If you are a candidate for hormone replacement therapy, we offer the safest, most effective regenerative medicine treatments available. We combine, remix, or change a medication’s active ingredients and additives to meet each patient’s widely varying needs. Our providers administer treatments in our clinics or can ship them directly to your door.

"The best thing I ever did for myself."

-PRM Patient

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